Uncanny Fiction Author

About The Author

RK King began writing as a kid, using his action figures to craft stories the way an artist uses a form mannequin to craft their drawings. He’d use his little plastic superheroes, mutant turtles, and Force-wielding space wizards to imagine elaborate ongoing narratives which he’d then type down on the family computer.In high school he was a member of that school’s first cinematography club, writing a number of short film scripts, in which he also acted and/or directed. He then went to film school, earned a degree in film production, realized he didn’t want to be the next Spielberg after all, and dabbled in acting for a few years.But his original love kept calling, and he couldn’t resist the pull to put his author hat back on. RK King writes novels, screenplays, and short fiction. He dwells in the genres of horror, science-fiction, and fantasy, and is the author of the post-apocalyptic Storm Cycle series.King lives in British Columbia with his wife and cat. Follow @RKKingwrites on these platforms:

The Books

King's first two books, Eye Of The Storm & Heart Of The Storm, take place in The Storm Cycle series, telling the tale of a post-apocalyptic future ravaged by the constant attacks of a planet-wide superstorm.
The books contain plenty of action, mystery, nomadic warriors and apocalyptic monsters, all woven through a story about the search for a new home.
The Only Way Out Is Through
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Published w/ Calliope Interactive 2024

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